Sunday, November 9, 2008

mirror of you

I dislike people who always crap about this and that of the others while actually they always act so... disgusted...
This is so called "ada mulut cakap orang, tiada mulut cakap sendiri", 有口说人没口说自己
Please take a look at yourself at the mirror before talking about the others...

Here, mirror for you,
mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?


adi = 阿弟 said... serious case...mayb d person not mean to say it gua???

Shee Ying said...

who step on ur tail oh?

angeline said...

paiseh ar...letting u all tam sim... actually i just wanna spit out... and i feel better alr....
Btw, gam xia gam gam dongnya...